
Why are we celebrating ?

Not that we need any excuse to celebrate the Labia, because really, who wouldn’t love it? The excellent movies, the delicious popcorn and cookies (and alcohol), the great space, the living room atmosphere, the interesting people, the memories, the potential for memory-making, the décor, the lovely folks who work here, the way it feels like home, the way it is home, to so many Capetonians, on a weekly basis.

Those are a couple of reasons why we love the Labia. You’ll find the rest throughout this programme, as each collaborator speaks about why they love this one-of-a-kind cinema. And you’ll find even more, online at www.ilovethelabia.blogspot.com

The official Labia site: www.labia.co.za

Where it all started, though, was on a summer’s day a few months back, when Marcii popped her head in to see if Ludi, the owner of the Labia, wanted some design love. As she was explaining all about the ‘Love Your Work’ idea, Ludi started grinning, and mentioned that the Labia was about to celebrate its 60th anniversary, and he was looking for someone to collaborate in the celebrations.
Did someone say ‘serendipity’?

Because Exchange loves the Labia they were thrilled at the idea, and even more thrilled to work with a whole bunch of creative people who felt the same way. So many people in Cape Town love the Labia for so many reasons – we thought we’d harness some of that love and turn it into a celebration. A collaborative celebration that casts a little light on what it is that makes this place so wonderful. So let’s celebrate!
