A quick and heartfelt thanks.

A Message from Ludi - Labia Director

‘I’ve often joked about awarding a bumper sticker to our regulars which reads, ‘I’ve graduated from the Labia’.

I wish to thank our valued patrons and all I have the pleasure of being associated with. I wish also to thank my wife and co-director Ann, my colleague and associate Michael Berkel, and our loyal and long serving staff. Last but not least, I wish to thank Exchange Creative and all who have made this 60th Celebration possible.

The Labia is unique, and I love the labia because it is my life.

*Any kind of project requires a great big bouquet of thanks at the end of it… But one where you ask very busy creative types to give of their time for free, just because they love a place, requires a gargantuan bouquet of thanks.
So here are our ‘Grazies’, not only to the collaborators, but to all those who made the collaboration possible:*

Gareth Campbell for all the intimate details
Analiza at Scanshop for the many phonecalls and hard work
Noel at VNG for your gracious and fun experiment;
Charly’s Bakery for being crazy enough to honour our crazy requests; all the staff at the Labia Cinema for all the contributions; all the people who filled in ‘I love the Labia because…’
Unati Qobo for your gracious consideration;
Nicole Klassen at the Cape Town Film Commission for taking time for us
Bridget McNaulty your love for the labia shines through
Simon at Earthcote for your enthusiasm;.

If we’ve forgotten to mention you, its not on purpose!
