Who’s behind it?


Behind every successful project, there’s a team of smart-thinking people with a whole heap of energy. In this case, those people are Exchange Creative Commerce, an experiential design company that knows how to communicate. Yes, yes, you might say that everyone knows how to communicate, but we’re talking a little more than grunts and emails here. We’re talking messages that enlighten, delight, motivate, and persuade.

How do they do that? By telling the truth. By finding that central, immutable truth about the message they’re communicating, and then using graphic, motion, interior, product, photographic, fashion, digital and sound design to create experiences to fully communicate that message. This is a design studio like no other…

… Not least because they have this fabulous segment called ‘Love your Work’ where they create stuff for the pure love of it. It all started because the Exchange studio wanted to get involved in the best possible creative networks, in the exchange of information and creativity, and in spotting opportunities and ideas, and coming up with fascinating projects (like this one, you might say).

It’s about not just working, but creating work that they love. It’s about adding extraordinary value to brands or concepts that they are passionate about, or that they believe deserve it. It’s about passion.

‘Love your Work’ lets Exchange devote their extra time, free of charge, to pour their love into brands they feel connected to. This time around they invited some friends to join them…


Contact emma@exchangecreative.co.za